Monday, April 8, 2013

Time taken for granted.

   It's been a while since I first made this blog and posted about all of the things that I had hoped to work on. Life happens though, so things were put on the back burner for a while. I've worked on some little projects here and there but nothing to write home about. I've been working a full time job and going to school full time, as well as taking care of my home and family. As most know, this leaves little time for hobbies. My job was a seasonal job and now the season is over so I'm home again. I'm so excited to have time to clean, do laundry and finally work on some of my crafts (how old do I sound?!). Time is so easily taken for granted.
   I started planning a quilt around 6 months ago. I've had all of the fabric for it but none of the time. About a two weeks, I started cutting out the pieces and slowly planning and pinning. It's starting to finally come together which I am thrilled about. You want to know who else is thrilled? My son. The quilt is for him and it's based off of his favorite game: Minecraft. 
   I've seen this style of quilt online and I thought it was a great idea. I took the face of one of the Creepers from Minecraft. 
It looks like this: 

   The quilt I've pieced together is based off of one I found online which looks similar to this:
  So far, I have all of the front sewed in strips and I'm about to piece them all together to complete the top layer. After that, I have a thin layer of batting I'm going to put between the layers.
  I've already made him a creeper pillow for Alex, but I found this quilted one which I think is pretty neat-o. I think I'll try my hand at this in the future to match his quilt.

  I have lots of other ideas in mind for quilts, crafts and projects I'm working on, but I'll leave it at this for now. I'll update soon when I complete the quilt. Now that I'm home for a bit, I'll be busy working on it and hopefully having much more things to post about. Thanks for reading!

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